Deacon Kenneth Louis Bissen, Jr.


Birth Date: September 4
Where: Riverside, California
When Ordained: January 20, 2007
WifeDr. Charmaine Bissen
Julia (Michael) Asuncion and Lokahi Bissen

Have a thorough discussion with your wife that she realizes this is a life long commitment for the two of you that will impact your marriage and family relationships

Deacon Kenneth Bissen, Jr. was born on September 4, in Riverside, California. He lived in the Philippines, Canada, and the United States. He attended different schools.  He graduated from St. Louis High School in Honolulu and later from California State University Dominguez Hills with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Business Administration.

Deacon Ken explained briefly the process of becoming a Deacon: “My wife and I were interviewed by the Diaconate Formation Team, then sent to the Psychologist as the next step in the process to be interviewed and assessed. We were also interviewed by the Pastor, and other priests.  We attended monthly Diaconate Formation training from Friday until Sunday evening at St. Stephen’s on Oahu for four years. I also participated in a Diaconate Practicum for a couple of years in prison ministry, hospital ministry, food pantry, and community outreach.”

His wife, Dr. Charmaine Bissen was also included in the process, interviewed with him throughout the screening process and attended all four years of Diaconate training on Oahu. She also currently attends the mandatory Diaconate continuing education classes with him throughout the year.

This is Deacon Ken’s advice to men who would like to be Deacons: “Have a thorough discussion with your wife that she realizes this is a life long commitment for the two of you that will impact your marriage and family relationships. Have a conversation with other Deacons as to their Diaconate responsibilities and its impact on limitations of time, family obligations, social relationships, commitments, and financial resources. The impact of Deacon working full time to financially support his family and maintain a balance in harmonious with them while also trying to fulfill the many Diaconate responsibilities may become challenging towards one’s emotional, physical, and spiritual health and wellbeing. Men considering becoming a Deacon will fully need to understand that being a Deacon is a life changing experience shared with the spouse and family.”

Deacon Ken is currently employed by the Department of Water Supply in the County of Maui as a Purchasing Specialist. Deacon Ken’s maternal grandparents were from Naguilian, La Union, Philippines. He and his wife Charmaine have two children, Julia (Michael) Asuncion and Lokahi Bissen. Julia is an audiology assistant and licensed dispenser at Maui Medical Group. Her husband Michael is a police officer at the Maui Police Department.

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