Fourth Sunday of Advent
Reading I: Micah 5:1-4a
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19
Reading II: Philippians 4:4-7
Gospel: Luke 1:39-45

The Gospel presents to us the encounter of Mary and Elizabeth who are closely linked to Jesus’ birth. Mary learned of the pregnancy of Elizabeth, her relative, through the angel. It was big news, for Elizabeth was advanced in age and considered barren. The gospel says Mary traveled in haste to Juda, a journey of at least three days. Her readiness to serve God was not restricted to being the handmaid of the Lord, but she was also at the service of people. She did not have to be prompted. She went quickly. This kind of service is the most pleasing, for it is given whole-heartedly and spontaneously, no plea has to precede it, no convincing argument has to be proffered. This kind of service deeply touches the members of our family, our companions at work and our neighbors.
Mary lived in that spirit. She went to help her cousin Elizabeth towards the end of her pregnancy. Moreover, she was present during Elizabeth’s difficult months. Mary saw God as the giver of all that was good in life. She was the servant who only did her duty. If we help only under the pressure of embarrassment, indebtedness or fear, we do not establish any bond.

Efren Tomas
In 2004, Father Efren arrived on Maui, Hawaii to be the Pastor of Christ The King Catholic Church in Kahului, Maui until 2012. He calls Christ The King his home because this was his first parish in Hawaii.
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