The Miracle at Cana

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reading I: Isaiah 62:1-5
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 96:1-2, 2-3, 7-8, 9-10
Reading II: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
Gospel: John 2:1-11

wedding at Cana
The miracle at Cana provides a correct perspective for our devotion to Mary. Our love for her is not a hindrance to loyalty to Jesus. She is an example of trust in Jesus. She is like John the Baptist who never drew attention to himself but pointed at Jesus who must be listened to and obeyed. The electrician who installed the wiring and lights in our house does not generate electricity. He did not even make the materials used. Without his work, however, our house would be dark at night. Many others could have done the job, but he did it and he deserved the credit.
When we go on a Marian pilgrimage, we go to a particular place. The highlight of our visit is the Eucharist for Mary who leads us to her son. Places of pilgrimage are like signposts along the road of life. We leave behind things which pre-occupied us and concentrate instead on the Lord. We do this with others for the journey of a Christian is not meant to be undertaken on a lonely road. One of our companions is Mary. Many apparitions of the Blessed Mother are reported today in different parts of the world. The church has always kept a critical attitude towards these for some are really questionable. We inquire how well the apparition points at Jesus and His teachings to find out how genuine an apparition is.
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