Pastor Message

What Must We Do

The third Sunday of Advent is traditionally called Gaudete (Rejoice) Sunday. The Gospel focuses on John the Baptist who had been teaching the people that it was not enough to have Abraham as father, which means, they are God’s chosen people. He confronted them with their daily life. One must be a tree that bears good fruits.

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Power is exercised differently in a Christian community. One does not lord it over others, and authority is not used to twist arms. Rulers in Jesus’ time lived in luxury, taxed people and had the last word over people’s life. Power easily loses sight of its true objective. We claim we need it to serve others better, but in no time, we turn people into servants or enemies.

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I Have Kept all the Commandments

The man’s name in the Gospel is not mentioned. He can be any of us who meets Jesus on the road of life and who is struck by the beauty of his teaching and the leadership Jesus exudes. We all had had our moments of religious fervor when we wanted to be a priest or a religious or when we wanted to be a caring companion of the elderly, the sick, the lonely and the helpless. We felt good at such moments for we felt the intensity of the Lord’s presence and appeal.

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