Efren Tomas

In 2004, Father Efren arrived on Maui, Hawaii to be the Pastor of Christ The King Catholic Church in Kahului, Maui until 2012. He calls Christ The King his home because this was his first parish in Hawaii.

Feast of Christ the King

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. The three readings on this feast day, presents to us beautiful images of the kind of king that Christ is. The First Reading shows the king as a Good Shepherd. The Second Reading presents to us Christ as the King of kings, while the Gospel text gives us an integral picture of a Glorious king who’s at the same time the marginalized one. In the end, we get a perplexing view of a king who’s apart from the usual notion we have of a king, seated on a throne complete with golden crown and scepter.

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Our Gifts Bearing Fruit

In any endeavor, readiness for such an activity necessitates preparation. Ten virgins went to welcome the groom at a wedding celebration. The foolish bridesmaids had the willingness to do such. They were well-disposed, but they failed to plan and to prepare themselves properly. The wise virgins came prepared. Nothing beautiful happens without preparation.

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True Discipleship

In any endeavor, readiness for such an activity necessitates preparation. Ten virgins went to welcome the groom at a wedding celebration. The foolish bridesmaids had the willingness to do such. They were well-disposed, but they failed to plan and to prepare themselves properly. The wise virgins came prepared. Nothing beautiful happens without preparation.

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The Scribes and the Pharisees

The Scribes and the Pharisees lived in a world of their own and were no longer in touch with the hard life of the ordinary people. They multiplied rituals and religious practices which they themselves followed faithfully, but which became heavy burdens on people. Such lifestyle made it impossible for them to live like other people for too many things were forbidden as in the area of cleanliness.

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To Err is Human

To err is human; to forgive, divine. Alexander Pope To forgive is not easy. It is difficult but it is a very special feature of Christian life. Jesus teaches us to forgive one another because we are all loved and forgiven by God. God’s mercy is always given, but the problem is we cannot experience

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