Efren Tomas

In 2004, Father Efren arrived on Maui, Hawaii to be the Pastor of Christ The King Catholic Church in Kahului, Maui until 2012. He calls Christ The King his home because this was his first parish in Hawaii.

Healing and Humility

The Lord has performed miracles after miracles throughout his ministry. But the healing He performed goes hand in hand with humility of the one healed. Healing and humility are inseparable. It is only when we are humble enough to kneel down in the confessional that we are healed of guilt that has burdened us for a long time. It is only when we are humble enough to seek the advice of a competent person that some marital problems can be solved. It is only after an alcoholic, or a wife batterer, is humble enough to admit his problem that healing can begin. It is only when parents are humble enough to listen to their children that relationships improve. It is only when we are humble enough to take the first step towards reconciliation that things get settled.

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What It Means to Follow Jesus

We come now to the end of the civil calendar, the last day of the year 2023. It’s a day to look back at the year that was and look forward to the coming year. So many events have happened in the past 12 months, the most unforgettable was the tragedy that hit the island of Maui. Many have lost their homes, and some have lost their loved ones. They continued to struggle from that tragedy and encountered

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Taught with Authority

We come now to the end of the civil calendar, the last day of the year 2023. It’s a day to look back at the year that was and look forward to the coming year. So many events have happened in the past 12 months, the most unforgettable was the tragedy that hit the island of Maui. Many have lost their homes, and some have lost their loved ones. They continued to struggle from that tragedy and encountered

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Answering the call…

We come now to the end of the civil calendar, the last day of the year 2023. It’s a day to look back at the year that was and look forward to the coming year. So many events have happened in the past 12 months, the most unforgettable was the tragedy that hit the island of Maui. Many have lost their homes, and some have lost their loved ones. They continued to struggle from that tragedy and encountered

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What “Loving Others” Means

We come now to the end of the civil calendar, the last day of the year 2023. It’s a day to look back at the year that was and look forward to the coming year. So many events have happened in the past 12 months, the most unforgettable was the tragedy that hit the island of Maui. Many have lost their homes, and some have lost their loved ones. They continued to struggle from that tragedy and encountered

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To Mirror the Holy Family

We come now to the end of the civil calendar, the last day of the year 2023. It’s a day to look back at the year that was and look forward to the coming year. So many events have happened in the past 12 months, the most unforgettable was the tragedy that hit the island of Maui. Many have lost their homes, and some have lost their loved ones. They continued to struggle from that tragedy and encountered

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Gaudete Sunday

John the Baptist was introduced in the gospels as the second cousin of our Lord, as a great figure, a messenger, the forerunner of our Lord Jesus Christ. His life also spoke a much greater message. His simplicity in lifestyle and fearlessness in preparing the path for the coming of God’s kingdom. John was part of the good news through faithfulness to his mission.

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Preparers of the Way…

John the Baptist was introduced in the gospels as the second cousin of our Lord, as a great figure, a messenger, the forerunner of our Lord Jesus Christ. His life also spoke a much greater message. His simplicity in lifestyle and fearlessness in preparing the path for the coming of God’s kingdom. John was part of the good news through faithfulness to his mission.

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